
Showing posts from March, 2021

First Multi-Day Bike Tour! - Katy Trail - September 2020

I don't know how the seed got planted, but I've wanted to try bike touring for years. The idea of riding my bike all day, sleeping, then doing it again the next day, while seeing new places and meeting interesting people, sounded like a dream. With COVID-19 disrupting my 2020 travel plans, this year seemed like the perfect opportunity to dip my toes into multi-day bike travel. In July 2020, I started seriously planning my trip and settled on a basic itinerary - 3 days and 2 nights along the Katy Trail in Missouri . For those not familiar, the Katy Trail is one of the longest rail-trails in the country. The whole thing - 240 miles - is a state park and there are no entrance/trail fees associated with using it. I chose the Katy Trail as the location for my first trip for several reasons. Obviously, Katy (Katie) is a great name. It's close to my home in St. Louis. And lastly, a lot of people tour on the Katy, so there is good bike travel infrastructure and a lot of planning re